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 Why we use Static Keyword ?

if we declare a function with static keyword then we don’t need an object to be created and then call the function

public class first {

	public static void main(String args[])



In this code we have not created object of class “first” and still the main method was executed Now check this program

class tut{
	public void callme()
		System.out.println("Non-Static Method");

public class first {

	public static void main(String args[])
		tut t = new tut();


for this program I have declared two classes , one is public and is not public , and inside tut class we have a non-static method and to call/execute this method we have created class object but what if I define this function with static keyword , do I still need to create a class object ?

class tut{
	public static void callme()
		System.out.println("Non-Static Method");

public class first {

	public static void main(String args[])
//		tut t = new tut();
//		t.callme();


but this thing didn’t worked at all , why ? because tut class is not public and to access it’s members we need an object so the question is why we need static keyword if we can use it only inside the public class and if you are thinking to create two public classes in a single source file , then sorry you can’t do this

but wait …. the above explanation for static keyword is partially/completely wrong , that you have to decide

look at this code

class tut{
	public static void callme()
		System.out.println("Non-Static Method");

public class first {

	public static void main(String args[])
//		tut t = new tut();
//		t.callme();


and it worked perfectly , right ? so this is what it means when we say “ we don’t have to create an object to call static methods “ , we can directly call them with classname.method_name(); and if you remove the static keyword from the above program then you will get this error: “Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method”